Ninigo Story

Ninigo Story

As a child, the owner of Ninigo spent a year on the remote atolls in the Emerald Sea. The young girl was enchanted by the islands, making lifelong friends with the islanders and learning about their culture and way of life.

The Ninigo is named after these enchanting islands, a symbol of the family’s love for travel and adventure. It also reminds her of the special bonds her family formed with the people of the Ninigo Islands.

Each year, the islanders celebrate the Great Ninigo Island Canoe Race. The family has decided to support the islanders by sponsoring the prize.

The Ninigo is a powerful symbol of hope and possibility. It is a reminder that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. It is also a reminder that the world is a beautiful and amazing place, and that the people you meet along the way can make a lasting impact on your life.

The Great Ninigo Island Canoe Race

Ninigo Island photos

Find out more here!

Some old and new family photos of the enchanting Ninigo Islands.
